Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Hey Neanderthals,

I miss you folks, how is everyone? Please drop a line and let me know how life is treating you. Maybe we should have a reunion sometime? Have a great holiday season and I hope we connect soon.

Peace and Love,


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

waow... its like a haunted graveyard on the blog nobody there at all...

Monday, May 16, 2011

flying trapeze show

oh my god! i can not believe that the blog is back! this is totally awesome! also i have something that i actually wanted to blog about... i have a flying trapeze show! :) it is on june 4th at sanca in georgetown, at 7:00 p.m. you can get tickets at brownpapertickets.com i hope to see you all somewhat soonish!

Friday, February 25, 2011

my summary of don Quixote (put the sin in synopsis) first, random people sing about how awesome some lady is, she comes out, is a whiny annoying lady,leaves. crazy old guy and fat guy come in everyone thinks they're awesome 'cuz they're crazy. Old guy saranades annoying lady,annoying lady sends old guy on fools journey. second, old guy goes more crazy fighting random stuff. finds bandits bandits give him jewel in sympathy. third old guy gives gem to annoying lady she won't marry him (reasons:1)shes mean 2)they met like 2 acts ago) annoying lady says she wants to keep "meeting" other people. fourth, old guy dies. probably because of the multiple terminal illnesses he caught while he was off killing sheep(heartbreak is not a medically correct cause of death). the end.