Thursday, December 17, 2009

Banderbear please help

Hey Banderbear,

I have been trying to post comments to several of the entries with no success. While searching the help forum I found a possible reason for my troubles. The trouble may be with the settings that were first established for the blog. When you get a chance could you please try changing the settings on the blog management page. On that page, click on settings, then click on comments. On that page you will see a section that says comment form placement. Will you please try changing that from embedded below post to pop-up window. I believe that might solve my problem as it seems some browsers don't like that embedded below post. Thanks for helping, talk to you soon.

And thanks for posting the words to One Tin Soldier, awesome!

1 comment:

Jacob said...

alright greenman I've changed the settings, I realy hope it works.
p.s. sorry it took me so long to respond to your message, I haven't been on the blog much.